
Serial 1 Is How Harley-Davidson Does E-Bikes

This Might Be the Best New Way to Get Around Town

Photo: Serial 1

When you think of Harley-Davidson, you probably think of big, loud motorcycles. Maybe a group of guys cruising on the highway.

You almost certainly don't think of quiet, eco-friendly electric bicycles.

But now, you can.

Because the same company that inspires tattoos and leather vests is behind Serial 1, a new E-bike offshoot that's making power-assisted bikes to swiftly take you around town.

serial 1 electric bikeks
Serial 1

The electric bike is an underrated means of getting from point A to point B. With a motor that kicks in when you need it, you never have to worry about struggling up a hill. And if you're commuting to work, it means you can show up without looking like a sweaty mess. People appreciate that.

Serial 1 is making four bikes that are available in a range of features and price points, all higher-end and better-looking than most options in the market. There's also a brand-new limited edition bike available to pre-order that's based on the company's original prototype.

serial 1 e-bike
Serial 1

The entry level MOSH/CTY has a 250-watt motor and a single-speed drivetrain, and it tops out at 20 miles per hour. The top-of-the-line RUSH/CTY Speed adds a continuously variable transmission and bigger battery, and it can reach speeds up to 28 miles per hour. Whichever bike you choose, you'll get places in a hurry.

Not as a fast as a Harley, of course.

But at least you won't have a leather vest dragging you down.

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