Used to be, snapping your figures was reserved for musical street gangs and poetry slams.
But now, snapping your figures can result in answering a phone call or taking a picture.
All because you've got a really smart watch.
The Mad Gaze Smart Watch is a gesture-controlled timepiece that you can customize to control your digital world, all from your wrist. It's available to pre-order on Indiegogo, and the company has already exceeded its fundraising goal, so products should begin shipping this summer.
These are the same guys who brought you the Mad Gaze smart glasses, which let you view your phone or watch movies right on the lenses. So they've got a background in creating cutting-edge tech.

Their latest project offers all the things you want a smart watch to offer, including fitness tracking, GPS and the ability to send and receive messages. But it really takes things up a notch with 33 gesture-controlled shortcuts. For instance, tapping on the back of your hand, snapping your fingers or turning your wrist can trigger different actions, such as taking pictures, answering a call, playing music or setting a timer. There are also features for work and gaming.
It does this by using a gyro and acceleration sensor that is able to capture the different vibration waves and movements of your hand and then translate them into specific functions. Just pull up the corresponding app, and you can define the motion-triggered shortcuts however you like.
There's even a built-in walkie talkie feature that lets you connect instantly with other watch-owning friends.
Which is perfect for the times when you confuse a snap for a tap and accidentally decline someone's call.