
This One-of-a-Kind Golf Bag Has a Built-In Beer Keg

And It Could Be Yours

By Sam Eichner ·


Cold beer.

The two go together like Tiger Woods and a stinger (if you'll excuse the golf joke). And now, courtesy of Michelob ULTRA, they're coming together like they never have before—in the form of a one-of-a-kind bag outfitted with a 128 oz refillable keg, a custom Michelob draft handle and much-needed storage for pint glasses for you and the rest of your foursome. 

Now, the bad news is there's only one of these bags in existence. The good news is you have a chance to win it, in a competition pegged to this week's PGA Championship at Bellerive Country Club, by sharing a photo of you living "ULTRA" (whatever that means) on Facebook, Instagram or Twitter, using #ULTRACaddieContest. The other good news is there may be plans to make this thing available to the public at some point in the future. Really, it shouldn't be too hard. If we can put a man on the moon, we can put a refillable keg in a golf bag.

Should you eventually win this bad boy, prepare to be the envy of your foursome and every foursome on the planet. Because not only does it have the keg—which will keep your beer cold for up to three hours—it also comes with a rechargeable Bluetooth speaker and a built-in tablet, just in case you need to stream some golf while you're playing golf. 

It's a more common need than you might think. 

Sam Eichner

Sam Eichner likes literature, reality television and his twin cats equally. He has consistently been told he needs a shave since he started growing facial hair.

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