
Giant Slides and Botanical Friends at Florence's Palazzo Strozzi

Carson Höller and Stefano Mancuso's Live Installation Seems Fun

By Thompson Brandes ·
Design Boom

German artist Carson Höller is teaming up with neurobiologist and author Stefano Mancuso to perform a live experiment inside Florence’s Palazzo Strozzi come April. The unique installation, dubbed The Florence Experiment (dibs on that band name), will consist of two giant, intertwining slides in the palace’s courtyard that participants can slide down while holding onto [squints at screen]...plants.

Yes, Mancuso and his team want to study the empathy and impact between human emotion and plant growth. And in doing so, they’re sending confused adults and elated adolescents down a winding, two-story slide. Your botanical companion is going to love it.

The examination doesn’t stop there, though, as Mancuso and Höller—who is well known for blending his work amongst science, technology and art—will continue sending visitors through a range of different emotional triggers, such as visual segments from famous comedy and horror films. Every human reaction will be compared to that of the plant in order to learn more about their intelligence. (No word yet on if they will be showing The Happening.)

The Florence Experiment opens April 19th and will run through August 26th.

Thompson Brandes

Thompson Brandes is getting sucked into another Jurassic Park movie on AMC right now.

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