
The Airing of Grievances 2017

The Things We'd Love to Leave Behind for Good

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It was the immortal Frank Costanza who brought the non-denominational holiday Festivus to the world, and with it, the annual airing of grievances—where everyone gets all the disappointment of the year off their chest. It's a healthy exercise. And while we could be here awhile if we went over everything about 2017 that was less than awesome, here are some of the quirkier things that aggrieved us. They are petty, they are irrational, and writing about them was really cathartic for everyone. Try it out for yourself, with a little inspiration...

Sam Eichner really, really hates stools...

Geoff Rynex wants the chunky sneaker trend to die a quick but painful death, or, even better, never to have happened at all...

Kady Ruth Ashcraft never wants to hear from Kellyanne Conway again, and it has nothing to do with politics...

Ilana Dadras will never ghost or be ghosted upon again...

Hadley Tomicki would like the Indian food economy to get its shit together...

Kelly Larson is not here for your fidget spinner...

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