Tickets home for the holidays: check. Your trusty carry-on: check. A travel blazer that's equipped with a
built-in neck pillow, a safe-yet-accessible spot for your tablet, an eye mask and about a dozen other travel
hacks: enter BauBax's travel blazers and hoodies that are 20% off right now on Perks.
Michael Cimarusti Checks Into the Ace
There's now a Michael Cimarusti restaurant at the Ace. It's called Best Girl and its sole purpose is to
provide oysters, Gibson cocktails and porterhouse steaks to you and your friends. Help it help you.
Beach-Adjacent Voltaggio Sandwiches and Aussie Flat-Whites
9:48am, Santa Monica: You bring that human you're seeing to Little Ruby, a new Australian
bistro. You share coffee granola and flat-whites. Nothing serious. 10:30am-1pm: Beach. 1:17pm: You're having grilled fish with Boardwalk fries at StrFsh, a casual new spot from
the Voltaggio brothers. Later: The world basically keeps spinning.
The Biggest Shepard Fairey Exhibit to Hit LA
Obey inventor Shepard Fairey is readying his biggest LA exhibition to date. It's called "Damaged" and
features roughly 200 pieces, including sculptures, paintings and interactive exhibits that deal with today's
social issues. Guess the name makes sense then.
5 Brats + 5 Beers = Happy You
Fig's Yousef Ghalaini is having some friends over on Sunday. Chefs from Upper West, Ashland Hill and the
Wallace among them. They're all going to be grilling different sausages while you drink the offerings of
five breweries. Sunday always nails this kind of thing.