Things to do for October 18, 2017

A '70s Cocktail Bar Stashed Within 800 Degrees Hollywood

To Say Nothing of the Giant Meat-Storm Happening in Culver City

By Hadley Tomicki

Matthew Biancaniello + Ysabel = Cocktails You've Never Had Before

Matthew Biancaniello + Ysabel = Cocktails You've Never Had Before

West Hollywood's Ysabel is having creative bartender Matthew Biancaniello in on Wednesday nights to let him do R&D for his next book. He'll be mixing drinks with ingredients like guava-tequila, sea moss Saint Germain, smoked apples and his own homemade liqueurs. You'll be a happy test subject.

Wednesdays through Dec 20, 6-10pm, $16 cocktails, Matthew Biancaniello at Ysabel, 945 N Fairfax Ave, West Hollywood, 323-366-2940

A '70s Cocktail Bar Stashed Within 800 Degrees Hollywood

A '70s Cocktail Bar Stashed Within 800 Degrees Hollywood

You'll enter Sunset & Vinyl through 800 Degrees in Hollywood. No pizza required. Then, you'll find yourself in a '70s-themed cocktail lounge having one of Devin Espinosa's Dance or Dies (mezcal, pineapple, Aperol) while reminiscing about the vintage record player or the cassette recorder decor. Well, depending on your age.

Hawaiian Deliciousness and BLTs in Downtown

Hawaiian Deliciousness and BLTs in Downtown

Blink and there's something new in Downtown. Like Broken Mouth, a place for Spam musubi, ribeye fritters and other shining examples of modern Hawaiian dishes. Also, a lush new location of Fundamental LA with all its fried chicken sandwiches, BLTs and flatiron steaks. You must have blinked a couple of times.

A Tale of Two New Brunches

A Tale of Two New Brunches

Saturday: You show a few friends how brunch is done over Danish meatballs, Swedish burgers and seafood hash amid bottomless rosé and sangria at Alta Nordic Kitchen's new brunch.
Sunday: You're taking the pressure off with a morning date over brie-topped apple pancakes at Blacksmith's new brunch.

Heavy is the head that wears the brunch crown.

All-You-Can-Eat BBQ. We Repeat: All-You-Can-Eat-BBQ.

All-You-Can-Eat BBQ. We Repeat: All-You-Can-Eat-BBQ.

There's a big Oktoberfest-y party happening at Maple Block Meat Co on Sunday. They're going to make sure you're full of ribs, brisket, sausage, pork shoulder and other smoked meats while being entertained by live rockers, served drinks from four breweries and even decorating a pumpkin. For good measure.

What Else Is New
Hadley Tomicki

Hadley Tomicki lives in Los Angeles. He is probably going nowhere on the 10 Freeway this very second.

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