
Adventures in Frank Lloyd Wright Kirigami

This Will Either Be Very Fun or Extremely Frustrating

By Sam Eichner ·
Photo: Getty Images/Walter Bibikow
Have you ever dreamt of becoming the next Frank Lloyd Wright?

Don’t answer that. Because of course you have. And now your day has (almost) come, courtesy of a new book that allows you to recreate 14 of his most famous works as cute little intricately detailed paper models, using a Japanese cut-and-fold technique known as “kirigami.”

It’s available for pre-order now on Amazon, and ships on August 1st.

Until then, you can prepare by purchasing a pair of scissors and blocking off a chunk of leisure time you would’ve otherwise reserved for, I don’t know, putting together a jigsaw puzzle or something.
Sam Eichner

Sam Eichner likes literature, reality television and his twin cats equally. He has consistently been told he needs a shave since he started growing facial hair.

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