Parasol Up

Behold the Unceasing Splendor of Parasol Up

Espresso Martinis, 3am Cigars and a 40-Foot Waterfall

By Sam Eichner ·
None 9 Photos Parasol Up
You can say it.

The newly-renovated Parasol Up, now open at the Wynn, looks kind of—how to put thisvery extremely ornate.

But that’s not all there is to this place.

See, when the fine folks at the Wynn decided to spruce up this casino-side lounge, they brought along highly reputable bartender Damian Cross to make the drinks.

And that kind of decision-making will naturally lead to you and your friends occupying comfy spots above the hotel’s 40-foot-waterfall, taking a good hard gander at this menu.

Why yes, it is indeed full of draft cocktails. Good observation. Draft cocktails like the Boysenberry Delight, which is garnished with a dehydrated rose and uses a boysenberry vodka exclusive to the Wynn.

Of course, anyone fond of drinking the old fashioned way can get made-to-order libations, like the espresso martini with star anise and a spritz of absinthe from a vintage atomizer. People just loved atomizing back in the day.

And should you be in a celebratory mood, this place also has cigars on hand for you to smoke.

Though if you’re not in a celebratory mood, one might question what you’re doing in Las Vegas.
Sam Eichner

Sam Eichner likes literature, reality television and his twin cats equally. He has consistently been told he needs a shave since he started growing facial hair.

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