
In Praise of Making a Big Splash

These Are Some Beautiful Ways to Cool Off

By Chris LaMorte ·
With all due respect to the Olympic synchronized diving platform teams, sometimes making a big splash is just what the world needs at the end of summer.

It is August, after all. It’s hot. You’re sweaty. You yearn to feel the cool, refreshing splash of, well, something. While keeping your clothes perfectly dry.

So that’s just what we intend to provide. Please enjoy this gallery of people getting cooled off in the most delightful ways.

Our judges give it a 10.

Chris LaMorte

Chris LaMorte’s favorite lapel: peak. Favorite bulldog: French. Can you offer him a glass of champagne: yes. Often mistaken for: Zach Galifianakis. Often mistakes himself for: Bradley Cooper.

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