
All the Valentine’s Day That’s Fit to Print

Corner Tables, Lingerie, Dungeons and Masquerades

By UrbanDaddy Staff ·
Ah, the weekend of love.*

*For the purposes of this story, synonymous with two days of caviar-topped oysters, lingerie-centric dates and kink-forward dungeons.

Here with more of all of that, it’s the UrbanDaddy Valentine’s Day Guide: wherein we lay out New York’s finest last-minute (tsk tsk) gifts, where to assess the current state of BDSM ballerina dancers and your finest sex dungeon option in New York, among other things.

And, oh, right, dinners. You’ll want those. Firesides. Nooks. Places where the chef kind of ignores everyone but you. In short, the best tables in town.

And, just as a contingency, your guide to sex in public.

Hey, Hallmark doesn’t entirely own this thing.


The UrbanDaddy Valentine’s Day Guide

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