
Sailor Gehry

What Happens When Frank Gehry Designs a Boat

By Chris LaMorte ·
Just wondering how close you are with starchitect Frank Gehry these days. We only ask because he has a new sailboat, Foggy. He designed it and everything. Looks so fun. And, well—gee, this is awkward—we don’t see you in this picture. We’re sure he meant to invite you for a quick jaunt off the cape of someplace or another. Probably he’s been busy designing a new museum or something. Yeah, that’s all. He’s busy. But maybe you should call him and make sure everything is cool between you two. Just in case.

[Town & Country]
Chris LaMorte

Chris LaMorte’s favorite lapel: peak. Favorite bulldog: French. Can you offer him a glass of champagne: yes. Often mistaken for: Zach Galifianakis. Often mistakes himself for: Bradley Cooper.

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