In case you’d like to watch, Commonwealth Proper (pictured left) and the Bonobos
Guideshop were just about to engage in a friendly tale-of-the-tape-style competition. The former is now
open on the Westside, and the latter opens Friday in Buckhead Atlanta.
And now, in the immortal words of Apollo Creed: ding... ding.
The Pedigree
CP: The second appointment-only outpost of a Philly-based showroom that was created after the founders couldn’t find properly fitting shirts. Or suits. Or anything, really.
BG: The first local shop of the webstore you’re already familiar with. It’s an extension of the site, so you’re just here to try things on before ordering them online, which someone in the store can do for you. (Appointments: sure. Just walking in: also sure.)
The Vibe
CP: Antlers everywhere. An American flag. An end table full of bourbon.
BG: Looks like a big, cozy walk-in closet. One with a wooden trellis ceiling, tiny neon Christmas trees and a painting of Downtown in it.
The Gear
CP: You’re meeting with a guy to discuss your life (profession, travel frequency...) to figure out what kind of fully bespoke suitery you need. Also on hand: cotton twill jackets and Chiquita banana girl cufflinks.
BG: All your holiday party gear: here. Corduroy suits. English-milled twill blazers. Pants with one green leg and one red leg. Definitely those.
The Takeaway
You can cross “Me” off your list now.
And now, in the immortal words of Apollo Creed: ding... ding.
The Pedigree
CP: The second appointment-only outpost of a Philly-based showroom that was created after the founders couldn’t find properly fitting shirts. Or suits. Or anything, really.
BG: The first local shop of the webstore you’re already familiar with. It’s an extension of the site, so you’re just here to try things on before ordering them online, which someone in the store can do for you. (Appointments: sure. Just walking in: also sure.)
The Vibe
CP: Antlers everywhere. An American flag. An end table full of bourbon.
BG: Looks like a big, cozy walk-in closet. One with a wooden trellis ceiling, tiny neon Christmas trees and a painting of Downtown in it.
The Gear
CP: You’re meeting with a guy to discuss your life (profession, travel frequency...) to figure out what kind of fully bespoke suitery you need. Also on hand: cotton twill jackets and Chiquita banana girl cufflinks.
BG: All your holiday party gear: here. Corduroy suits. English-milled twill blazers. Pants with one green leg and one red leg. Definitely those.
The Takeaway
You can cross “Me” off your list now.