It’s a big day in the world of shepherd hut building.
Uh-oh. You’re making that “what’s a shepherd hut” face again, aren’t you...
Allow us to regale you with tales of The Güte Shepherd Hut, a tiny, fully customizable wooden dwelling that you can roll around wherever you’d like during your various adventures, now available for custom orders online.
The fellows behind this are Canadian. These Canadian fellows have a whole lot of woodworking experience. And they’re itching to customize a fun-size place for you to spend a little cozy time in this winter.
What you’ll do is send them an email. Include what you want your mobile hut to look like—size, color, which stain you want your bed, cabinets and foldaway table to be.
You’ll also say, “Yes, I’d like the miniature wooden stove. And while you’re at it, the brass sink and miner lamp, too. I love miner lamps.”
Then it’ll arrive, fully constructed, in about a month’s time. That’s when you take it, grab a map, point to a place and proceed to gallivant around.
Or traipse around, depending on which word you find more fun to say.
Uh-oh. You’re making that “what’s a shepherd hut” face again, aren’t you...
Allow us to regale you with tales of The Güte Shepherd Hut, a tiny, fully customizable wooden dwelling that you can roll around wherever you’d like during your various adventures, now available for custom orders online.
The fellows behind this are Canadian. These Canadian fellows have a whole lot of woodworking experience. And they’re itching to customize a fun-size place for you to spend a little cozy time in this winter.
What you’ll do is send them an email. Include what you want your mobile hut to look like—size, color, which stain you want your bed, cabinets and foldaway table to be.
You’ll also say, “Yes, I’d like the miniature wooden stove. And while you’re at it, the brass sink and miner lamp, too. I love miner lamps.”
Then it’ll arrive, fully constructed, in about a month’s time. That’s when you take it, grab a map, point to a place and proceed to gallivant around.
Or traipse around, depending on which word you find more fun to say.