The Ice Cream Cleanse

Ice Age

The Ice Cream Cleanse: It Exists

None You keep hearing about juice cleanses—sounds kind of crazy.

But if someone told you they were going on an ice cream cleanse—well, that’s just good common sense, really.

Step tentatively into Kippy’s Ice Cream Shop, home of the world’s first cleanse based on eating nothing but sweet, frozen dessert—it’s called The Ice Cream Cleanse, and it’s available now in Venice (of course).

Every Angeleno has that friend who’s doing a cleanse—consuming all juice and nothing but juice, five times a day for a few days. So when your friend starts getting really irritable around day two, that may not be the time to tell them they could’ve been doing it with ice cream instead...

Say you were actually going to do this. You’d set up a consultation with the owner, whose life’s work is the array of coconut-cream-and-raw-honey-based ice cream flavors you see before you. After discussing what you’re after, you’d hand over $240 and soon return to pick up your customized four-day diet of five varied flavors like orange crème and dark chocolate with Himalayan fire salt—plus a lemony, cayenne-peppery master cleanse ice cream meant to help you burn fat.

Or you can just come by anytime for a couple scoops after a steak dinner.

The world is not yet ready for steak cleanses.


The Ice Cream Cleanse
available at Kippy’s Ice Cream Shop
326 Lincoln Blvd
Venice, CA, 90291

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