
The Hot List

Valentine’s Day Tables. The Best Ones.

You know that old saying: nothing’s certain in life except death, taxes and Valentine’s Day hoopla. (We’re going from memory here.) Anyway, about that last one... we found five fine tables that certainly make the night a whole lot sexier. You’re on your own for the other two.

Table #10, Brindille

Table #10, Brindille

You Require: Champagne. Elbow room. The stars to align just so...
You’ll Receive: A secluded, sinewy, sexy cove that usually seats up to six. But you can, when it’s available, reserve it for two. Or just bring a string quartet.

Table #50, MK

Table #50, MK

You Require: Air superiority, a certain sense of authority.
You’ll Receive: A discreet perch above the main dining room—said to be the table preferred by the Obamas on date night—that gives you a definite height advantage while you feed each other Kobe beef.

MK, 868 N Franklin St, 312-482-9179

MJ’s Booth, Michael Jordan’s Steak House

MJ’s Booth, Michael Jordan’s Steak House

You Require: To be like Mike.
You’ll Receive: A curved, semi-secluded booth favored by Mr. Jordan. Caveat: if His Airness arrives with his new bride, he will have you removed to a table that is less, well, his. But he will also pay for your meal. Win-win.

Table #20, Tru

Table #20, Tru

You Require: A place to eat caviar with a Hollywood starlet.
You’ll Receive: Eight courses at a table for two underneath the Andy Warhol Marilyn (Reversal Series) silk screen. A serenade of “Candle in the Wind” is totally optional. But a nice touch.

Tru, 676 N St. Clair St, 312-202-0001

Corner Booth Table, Coppervine

Corner Booth Table, Coppervine

You Require: Just a table for two... possibly three.
You’ll Receive: The right wine for the ahi tuna tartare. The right upstairs corner seat for you and a date splitting the prix fixe. Also: these seats can accommodate a third. Some Valentine’s Days are luckier than others.

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