
Served Up

Thanksgiving Dinner, in Pop-Tart Form

None We’re not anti-Thanksgiving-dinner. We just feel it could still be improved.

For starters: stuffing. There’s never enough stuffing.

Also: it could be a bit more... portable.

At least someone is with us. Enter The Thanksgiving Pop-Tart, a pastry stuffed and frosted with almost everything you’ll find on your plate next week, available beginning Saturday at both locations of Ted’s Bulletin, that well-known purveyor of pop-tarts.

This is pretty much what you’d get if you turned the Pilgrims loose in a Kellogg’s factory. (Well, once they got over the fact that there were such things as factories.)

This starts off, as many good things do, with 20 pounds of roasted turkey, some stuffing made from cornbread, baguette and sausage, and a good measure of turkey stock for extra moisture. They mix all this together and stuff it into their pop-tart dough, then glaze the whole thing with cranberry frosting and some sweet-potato mash.

And yes, you could ask for it to go and walk up 14th Street with it. But stay at the bar, and ask them to pair it with their Thanksgiving cocktail—bourbon and cranberry vermouth.

You’re thankful for bourbon and cranberry vermouth this year.


The Thanksgiving Pop-Tart
available at Ted’s Bulletin
1818 14th St NW
Washington, DC 20009
official website

505 8th St SE
Washington, DC 20003
official website

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