
Dog Town

Hot Dogs and Knishes in Penn Quarter

None We have plenty in common with New York. Really.

We both have lots of tourist attractions. Neither of us has a team in the playoffs. And we’re both dotted with hot-dog-and-knish joints.

Well, we’re working on that last one. Helping out: Bo-Dogs, now open in Penn Quarter.

This is part of a veritable “first line” of pre-Caps-game options on E Street, along with Luke’s Lobster and Taylor Gourmet. And here, you can’t argue with the simplicity: kosher dogs. Knishes. Corn on the cob. That’s about it.

So yeah, pretty simple place. Cozy, small, lots of red and black. They do things quick here (and there are no seats), so you’ll mostly just grab and go. But if you have a few extra minutes (especially in a few weeks, when they add local beers), feel free to lean up against the counter.

In your hand: a bigger-than-average beef dog on a fresh local bun, onto which you can have them load three different mustards, two relishes and two hot peppers. Or ketchup.

Should you have a dog-loving contingent waiting, just give them a few minutes’ notice and they can package up dozens of dogs to go.

Getting them into Verizon Center is your problem.


614 E St NW
Washington, DC, 20004


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