
Rolling in Dough

The Doughnut Vault Has a Food Truck

Yesterday didn’t go well for the Bears. But don’t worry about that.

Focus on the good things about today. Birds are singing. Sun is shining. And somewhere in this city, a beat-up truck that happens to smell like a gingerbread donut is roaming around.

Specifically, this one: Doughnut Vault Van, a mobile version of the River North morning-pastry purveyor, now rolling.

You’ll know it when you see it. It’s a 1957 International Harvester Metro van, which is like an old-school bread delivery truck. But this one is painted in the same faded blues and greens as the shop on Franklin. So if you see a truck that looks like a building, chase it. Or, you know, just follow the truck on Twitter as it posts its daily locations.

You’ll probably want to track it down before you go to work. Their first stop is at 7:30am, and their menu is similar to the shop’s. Buttermilk, pistachio, coconut cream and toasted-almond donuts, plus a special of the day. They’ll pack in about 1,000 donuts every day and sell them until they’re gone.

You knew you got up early for a reason.

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