
Speaker of the House

A Really Handsome Desk That Plays Music

That novel of yours.

It’s poignant. Touching. Filled with whimsy and salient lessons on the human condition.

And not even close to being finished.

If only you had a desk with secret speakers that sound as magnificent as they look.

And if only you were actually writing a book.

Anyway... speaker-desk.

Meet the Symbol Audio Desk, a handmade scribbling station complete with built-in speakers to help get the creative juices flowing (or just to crank the Tchaikovsky up to 11 from a really weird place), available online now.

It’s essentially a giant sound dock for paying bills. Or writing your thesis paper for that PhD in botany you’ve been picking away at over the years (we’ll also accept “thank-you letters”). Any toil that’s made sweeter by the majesty of song pouring out of two four-inch full-range speakers, really.

You just have to decide if you’ll be working on natural oak, cherry, maple or walnut wood. Then, examine your personal music catalog for something fitting and stream it wirelessly through your laptop or phone. There’s even a subwoofer hidden in the thing.

New thought: just embrace the fact that your desk is ridiculous.

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