Things to do for August 08, 2013

The Weekender

A New Bar, Gratis Pizza and Gelato Sandwiches

Get busy weekending or get busy dying.

Gelato Ice Cream Sandwiches. Neat.

Gelato Ice Cream Sandwiches. Neat.

No one’s ever looked at an ice cream sandwich and thought, “That should be different.” Well, except for Honeysuckle Gelato. They just made some with gelato instead of ice cream. Pick up a sea-salted-caramel or honey-fig-filled one at the Cookie Studio. Seems appropriate.

Gratis Beer and Pizza Behind a Bookcase

Gratis Beer and Pizza Behind a Bookcase

Normally, when it’s someone’s birthday, you get them a gift. Occasionally, when it’s Edgewood Speakeasy’s birthday, they get you gratis pie from Pizzeria Vesuvius and beer from SweetWater. Also: they get you two DJs to dance to all night. They should get older more often.

A New Taqueria That Likes Rock and Roll

A New Taqueria That Likes Rock and Roll

Late tomorrow night, you’re going to need tequila. That’s a given. But what’s less of a given is that you’ll need it accompanied by Queen videos, palm trees and pulled-pork tacos. Good thing there’s a new taqueria in Buckhead with all those things. Queen saves the day again.

Brunch at the Albert for Everyone

Brunch at the Albert for Everyone

You always thought that if the Albert committed to a weekend brunch, it’d be serious. Fine, maybe not. But they did. And it is. Go for the Bourbon Bacon Waffles and Wings and the breakfast shot that comes with a side of bacon. Oops, you just chased bacon with bacon.

And in Other Chicken-and-Waffles News...

And in Other Chicken-and-Waffles News...

Every Sunday for the foreseeable future, Seven Lamps will be serving a chicken-and-waffles special. And since that intrigues you, here are the details: the fried chicken comes half or whole. The waffles are cheddar. The side is... changing weekly. Gotta leave something to the imagination.

Sundays, 5-10pm, Seven Lamps, 3400 Around Lenox Rd, 404-467-8950

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