OMG Patio Bar

The Big O

A Shaded Patio Bar next to Winstons

None 5 Photos OMG Patio Bar
These days, if you’re going to sit outdoors, you need a good reason.

Drinks... shade... this place... There: that’s three.

Apply some SPF 45 for OMG Patio Bar, an outdoor ode to seaside leisure (think sunglasses, short dresses and champagne), now open at Winstons Supperclub.

It’s like a fenced-in oasis. A white-picketed citadel. A... fine spot for beer. One replete with wooden tables, zebra-striped benches and a big yellow bar. Consider it the laid-back patio accompaniment to Winstons. No line. No dress code. No reason you can’t stop by at 5pm for a stiff martini and a dose of sunlight.

So, stop by at 5pm for a stiff martini and a dose of sunlight. Camp out until the club opens. Request something from the DJ. Nonchalantly nod toward the girl on the swing. Oh, right, there’s a girl on a swing above you. She’s wearing a captain’s hat. Or a panda head. She looks warm. Maybe offer her some lemonade.

And yes, this does indeed sound like the kind of place that’d throw a mean Sunday brunch party. One with champagne and music and dancing. So expect those to happen soon.

In the meantime, there’s that swing to keep you distracted.


OMG Patio Bar
at Winstons Supperclub
3111 Welborn St, Ste 110
Dallas, TX, 75219


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