Negroni Caramel Corn

Served Up

When Classic Italian Cocktail Meets... Popcorn

None Hey, you there.

Yeah, you. With the mouth.

Your popcorn world is about to be turned upside down.

That’s right... popcorn world. Upside down.

Because Negroni Caramel Corn, that’s whyit’s the splendid and inevitable union of that one classic Italian cocktail and that one beloved kernel of maize, and it’s available now at Perbacco.

What you have here is nothing short of pure bar-snack gold. A feat of culinary ingenuity so powerful, so important, that words cannot adequately descr...

Anyway, let’s just get into it.

The whole thing starts with an unassuming batch of stove-popped popcorn. Then comes the caramel coating that’s been generously laced with Campari and sweet vermouth. After that, a light dusting of gin-spiced sea salt is applied. It’s got juniper, coriander seed, cardamom, licorice root and cubeb pepper in it. So... gin stuff.

The result: a semi-intense, fully delicious fistful of splendor that starts out sweet and finishes with a bitter kick of Campari and spice.

So find your way to Perbacco and stake out some real estate at that big marble bar. Take a seat. Lace your fingers together, push your hands outward and crack your knuckles. You’re about to have a brush with popcorn greatness.

And probably at least three actual Negronis.


Negroni Caramel Corn
available at Perbacco
230 California St
(at Front)
San Francisco, CA, 94111

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