

Your Super Bowl Delivery Guide. It’s Here.

This Sunday, you may very well find yourself watching football. And you may very well find yourself eating things. But it’s Super Bowl Sunday. You’ll need something special. Something that’s the edible equivalent of Ray Lewis’s pregame dance. And you’ll need it delivered. Herewith, five such options worth answering the door for.

Get the Door, It’s Lobster Rolls

Get the Door, It’s Lobster Rolls

This isn’t the time for turkey sandwiches. No, it’s time to give the people what they want. And turns out, they want a coffee table full of mini lobster rolls delivered from TJ’s. Just say the word and it shall be so. Hint: that word is “lobster.”

A Tower of Stuffed Meatballs

A Tower of Stuffed Meatballs

No self-respecting Super Bowl party would be complete without meatballs. After all, they’re... balls of meat. Enter this heaping tower of ground-chicken ones from Jack’s. They’re stuffed with blue cheese and doused in chipotle-honey buffalo sauce. Meatballs...

Pork Tamales. They’re for Eating.

Pork Tamales. They’re for Eating.

Things you want to see this Sunday: your team covering the spread. Beyoncé covering Tom Waits. And a bunch of little corn husks packed with slow-roasted pork heading straight for your face. That last option comes courtesy of the Tamale Company. Game-plan accordingly.

Just Some Jars of Chicken Pâté

Just Some Jars of Chicken Pâté

Sunday’s a big day. Embrace it. Get a little wild. Maybe transform your garage into a mini Superdome. Or wear your Kaepernick jersey with a matching ascot while eating Butterfield Gourmet chicken pâté on toast points. Yeah, that last one.

Little Salsa. Little Queso. You Know...

Little Salsa. Little Queso. You Know...

Canned bean dip: not on your watch. You know better than that. You also know that Cita’s is delivering a three-pack of red salsa, green salsa and yellow queso straight to your door this Sunday. Call them the primary colors of deliciousness. Or just, like... dips.

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