Things to do for January 24, 2013

The Weekender

A Handstand Class, a Sid Mashburn Sale and a BBQ Sauce Fountain

The weekend doesn’t have a speechwriter.

Your Friend Sid. He’s Having a Sale.

Your Friend Sid. He’s Having a Sale.

This morning, you stood outside half-naked to check the weather. Then you realized you needed clothes. Enter Sid Mashburn and his gigantic sale on winter things. Pick up a striped Italian button-down for those rogue warm days and a Geelong lambswool sweater for those other ones. Which... who the hell knows.

Through Feb 14, Sid Mashburn, 1198 Howell Mill Rd, 404-350-7135

Oh Nothing, Just a Handstand Class

Oh Nothing, Just a Handstand Class

Turns out, there’s a demand for learning how to do a proper handstand. Which is probably why two professional aerialists are about to teach a handstand class. You know, circus-style balance-building techniques and whatnot. They’re teaching that. Right. You don’t know. Either way... handstand class.

A Night of ’70s German Pop. Just...

A Night of ’70s German Pop. Just...

The Germans have given us great things. Accordions. Hasselhoff groupies. And in the ’70s: Schlager pop music (imagine Tom Jones, only German-er). And this Saturday, Der Beirgarten feels it necessary to commemorate Schlager music with a DJ, shuffleboard and boots of hefeweizen. And you feel it necessary to get in on this.

Jan 26, 7pm-midnight, Der Biergarten, 300 Marietta St NW, 404-521-2728

BYO Art Partying with a Live Model

BYO Art Partying with a Live Model

Dates. You like those. But sometimes you wish someone else would take care of the technicalities—hire a musician. Book a live-model-and-artist duo. Bake some fresh baguettes. Hey, look, all of that’s happening in a Candler Park art gallery. The wine’s BYO, though. We trust you can handle that part.

Eight Straight Days of Barbecue

Eight Straight Days of Barbecue

This Sunday, you’re eating barbecue. And again on Monday. And for another six days after that. It’s Meat Week. It’s when you go to places like Bone Lick BBQ, Fat Matt’s and the organizer’s private residence to eat meat. Note: there’s a BBQ sauce fountain at the organizer’s private residence. Note: that’s magnificent.

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