
Skeptical Investigation

Filling Your Fridge with Healthy Stuff

None We’re lovers. You know that. But every now and again, something comes across our desks that just seems... suspicious. Because of the tremendous material upside to all our lives if these claims pan out, we at times put ourselves in harm’s way to investigate. Albeit skeptically.

We call it: Skeptical Investigation. (Trademark pending.)

Local juice/cleanse company Vim + Vigor will come to your house, replace all your unhealthy foods with healthy ones and generally teach you how to live a better life. A better, bacon-free life. You’re concerned...

First, we took a survey of our fridge. Inside: all the usual suspects. Eggs. Milk. Beer. Leg of ibérico ham. Then, we said our goodbyes, closed the door and emailed these ladies to schedule our consultation.

The next day, a nutrition expert showed up for our one-hour session. She inspected our fridge, shook her head and began the purging process. Out went the fatty stuff, and in went a tailored selection of fresh fruits, veggies and a bunch of their bottled juices (one of which had a welcomed mojito taste). Then, some lifestyle advice. Turns out, that whole diet-and-exercise thing is the real deal.

Well, our food supply’s now radically different. And we must admit: these women are on to something. Eating and drinking clean, unprocessed stuff... it makes you feel pretty damn good.

Then again, so does a cheese pizza.

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