
Bacon Artist

The Bacon Lover’s Truck, by the Numbers

None Let’s talk about diversifying your portfolio.

See, we’ve found an investment that’s a sure thing. A can’t miss. A slam dunk.

You may have actually heard of it before. It’s called bacon.

Take an analytical look at The Bacon Lover’s Truck (you can call it the B.L.T. for short), an in-the-works venture from a couple of bacon sandwich aficionados, currently raising funds on Kickstarter.

Below, some facts and figures for you to pore/drool over.

Kenny’s Wood Fired Grill alumni involved: 2
Red trucks they’ve secured for bacon-slinging purposes: 1
Dollars needed to get the truck up and running: $3,000
Minimum amount you can pledge to their Kickstarter campaign: $5
Number of $5 donations required to fund this thing: 600
Calculators we used to figure that out: 1
Number of wristbands, T-shirts and sandwiches you get for a $50 donation: 2 of each
Total number of menu items involving bacon: all of them
Menu items also involving peanut butter, bananas and marshmallows: 1 (The King)
Bacon vendors these guys trust: 1 (Wright Brand)
Friends you can invite to your catered private bacon party if you pledge the full $3,000: 200
Age at which you began dreaming of a catered private bacon party: 4 1/2

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