
Good Times...

The Most Dubious Moments of 2012

2012... yeah, we’d do it again. But if we could change a few things, well, we’d do that, too. So before we move into next year, let’s pause to remember the most dubious moments of 2012. And then suppress them forever.

The Mavs Cut Lamar Odom

The Mavs Cut Lamar Odom

Well, that was a failed experiment. The big man was supposed to help the Mavs defend their title. Instead, he was... pretty terrible. But hey, at least Khloe Kardashian and their reality show tagged along to Dallas. No, wait... also terrible.

Randy Travis Gets Naked, Gets Arrested

Randy Travis Gets Naked, Gets Arrested

We’re not here to judge. Nope, just reporting the facts. Like the fact that country singer Randy Travis walked naked into a convenience store to buy cigarettes. Then proceeded to drive drunk, crash his car and threaten a state trooper. That’s like the perfect storm of celebrity news-making.

Victoria’s Secret in Cowboys Stadium

Victoria’s Secret in Cowboys Stadium

It’s hard enough being a Cowboys fan... and then this happens. Sure, our stadium’s a state-of-the-art vacation destination with the biggest screen in sports. And sometimes the on-the-field action’s pretty good, too. But come on, Jerry, you can’t sell lingerie at a football game. Soccer maybe, but not football.

Big Tex Burns Down

Big Tex Burns Down

It was a sad Friday in October when smoke billowed from Fair Park. Mainly because Big Tex, the State Fair mascot since... forever, was burned to a crisp. Experts claim an electrical fire took his life. And they’re right, but still... we’re watching you, Oklahoma.

Hostess Is Forced to Closed

Hostess Is Forced to Closed

Well, this was just awful. And right before Thanksgiving, too. The Irving-based dessert maker’s closure painted a grim future for Twinkies, Ho Hos and other childhood/workplace vending machine delights. It’s a damn shame, but hopefully you did the smart thing and stocked up. Twinkies make a killing on the black market.

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