
Resolutionary War

Introducing Your Anti-Resolutions

Okay, change of plans. Looks like the world isn’t ending this year after all. Which means you’ve got to find a way to spend that time you never saw coming. You could make some resolutions, really turn things around next year. Or... do the exact opposite. Here, this should help.

Pizza the Size of a Volkswagen

Pizza the Size of a Volkswagen

Up until now, your pizza consumption has been largely relegated to normal human being portions. Today, that ends. Because Serious Pizza’s 30-inch pie (a little math shows that’s over 700 square inches) has your name written all over it. Remember, lift with your legs.

Prices vary, available at Serious Pizza, 2807 Elm St, 214-761-9999

A $550 Glass of Whiskey

A $550 Glass of Whiskey

You’ve got all of next year to drink water and spend wisely. And a very short amount of time to turn heads by summoning a dram of Glenmorangie Pride. This circa 1981 scotch will run you $550 a glass, but hey, you’ve got a documented weakness for whiskey that’s old enough to order whiskey.

Moving into the Joule’s Penthouse

Moving into the Joule’s Penthouse

It’s a stressful time of year. You know this. You also know that 300-thread-count sheets, expansive Downtown views and martini stations are proven ways to decrease stress. So you really owe it to yourself to hole up in the bi-level penthouse at the Joule. Those martini stations won’t man themselves.

A Frisbee Filled with Caviar Nachos

A Frisbee Filled with Caviar Nachos

Eating more responsibly... now that’s a solid idea. Yup, a real worthwhile goal. For next year, anyway. Because with the remaining dregs of 2012, you’re laser-focused on questionable feats of gastronomy. Here to help, these $62 nachos topped with caviar, chives and crème fraîche, all served on a frisbee. Plates are so November.

Possibly the World’s Hottest Vodka

Possibly the World’s Hottest Vodka

You drank a few light beers in 2012. So you deserve to let loose a bit. Do something kind of crazy. Maybe, oh, we don’t know... drink vodka that’s hot enough to paralyze a Russian bear. Like the ghost-pepper-habanero vodka at Black Swan. It’s affectionately called Danger, so... yeah.

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