Things to do for November 23, 2012

The Weekender

Endless Candy, Black Friday Beer and Road-Tripping

Weekends are a holiday tradition.

Black Friday Beers at Buzz

Black Friday Beers at Buzz

Black Friday is about one thing: drinking some beer in Downtown. (Okay, that and people buying deep-discount TVs the size of the Cinerama Dome.) At this week’s Buzz tasting, they’ll pour only black IPAs and dark stouts to commemorate the occasion. Install that TV before, not after.

28,000 Square Feet of Candy

28,000 Square Feet of Candy

Other towns have candy shops. Hollywood requires a 28,000-square-foot candy megaplex. It’s kind of insane. You’ll see a musical keyboard staircase, a build-your-own-candy-bar counter, and plenty of edible license plates, pencils, golden eggs and on and on and on. In fact, the staircase is about the only thing that isn’t edible.

Now open, Sweet, Hollywood & Highland, Ste 201, Hollywood, 323-809-4380

A Bishop’s Feast Comes to the Parish

A Bishop’s Feast Comes to the Parish

So the Parish just got a rotisserie, which means now you can order the Bishop’s Feast—it’s a whole chicken for the table, with a bunch of ratatouille and a growler of beer. You may even want to consider bringing another person.

Available nightly, $75, The Parish, 840 Spring St, Downtown, 213-225-2400

The Fine Art of the Road Trip

The Fine Art of the Road Trip

Sure, your Thursday was spoken for—but the rest of the weekend is wide open for a road trip. Or a cool photography exhibit about a road trip from Adam Secore, who’s shot for some obscure art rag called GQ. You just need enough gas to get to Abbot Kinney.

A Power-Hour Lunch at Hotel Bel-Air

A Power-Hour Lunch at Hotel Bel-Air

If there’s one thing you hate about the majestic patio sprawl of Wolfgang Puck at Hotel Bel-Air, it’s all those leisurely hours you’ve spent soaking it all in. You want to get in, get two courses for $39 and get out in 60 minutes or less—guaranteed. Conveniently, that’s exactly what they’re offering.

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