
Reject List

Things We Left Behind in 2008

<em>We've got a pretty good filter here at UD, and most of what we see gets tossed aside after just a glance. Here, making their proud, shining debut are a few of those products and services that just missed the cut. By a landslide.</em>

Millions of Milkshakes

Millions of Milkshakes

With the notion that milkshakes are the new frozen yogurt, this place will throw just about anything—Cocoa Puffs, Bazooka gum, chili powder—into the blender. Plus there's the vaguely troubling obsession with Miley Cyrus...

You Look Great Today

You Look Great Today

So to compliment a girl on the street, you take her photo and submit it to a complimentary website. But first you have to buy the thumbs-up cutout to stick in the photo you're snapping. Maybe you'll just say hi instead.

Glue Jeans

Glue Jeans

Because stitched-together jeans have always been a bit overrated, one Dutch denim whiz decided bright red glue would work just as well. Just when we were about to fly over to get our pair, we met up with stitches, and we're cool with each other again.



Here's how we see the origin for these babies. INT. CONFERENCE ROOM — DAY: A table of CRUSTY EXECS frown, unsure they'll ever be able to market candles to guys. But then a NEW GUY unveils the specs for Manterns: candles scented like beer, bacon and fresh-cut grass. Later, no one buys them, and NEW GUY dies in poverty. Fade out.

Flask in a Book

Flask in a Book

Picking up some gifts on a Third Street afternoon, we stumbled on a Bible, which seemed a bit odd—until we discovered the flask inside. But we like our flasks in restaurants where they belong.

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