
Weathered Face

A Very Instagram-y Weather App

None “Simplicity is the ultimate sophistication.”

Leonardo da Vinci said that.

Presumably before he sent Tom Hanks on a wild-goose chase through Paris to figure out what was going on between the Priory of Sion and Opus Dei before eventually leading him back to the Louvre where he discovered that what he was looking for was right under his nose all along.

Anyway, he would’ve loved this new weather app...

Presenting Ultraweather, a gloriously simple-minded new iPhone app that... tells you what the weather is like outside. But it’s really clean-looking and you can use your own Instagram pics as a backdrop. Available now.

And there it is in a nutshell—a really uncomplicated, forecast-telling, Labor-Day-road-trip-planning nutshell. It’s got everything—time, temperature, a background Instagram of you eating an entire pork shoulder while Slip ’N Sliding over a fire pit into a pool filled with mermaids spraying each other with prosecco.

Or something...

But yeah, once you put this thing on your phone, you’ll be able to tag your own shots right from within the app. And the forecasts you’ll be seeing are all displayed in minimalist typography. It’s all very Frank Lloyd Wright meets the Weather Channel.

So enjoy it. Really. Enjoy it.

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