
Cold Front

L.A. Creamery: Now Delivering

None This week’s a little crazy.

The box office king is a talking teddy bear. You might’ve just seen a cloud. You keep hearing something about hump-day fireworks.

Also, somebody’s churning you some pork-flavored ice cream...

Take a look at L.A. Creamery, your source for innovatively spiked ice cream—and some meat-flavored craziness birthed from a partnership with the Umami Burger founder—now finally selling online.

You might’ve tried some out-there L.A. Creamery ice creams at restaurants around town (like... Umami). But now they’re taking an entire quality meal—pork, goat cheese, beer—and turning it all into supremely inappropriate ice cream flavors, and shipping the pints directly to your door. Yeah. That works, too.

So picture your next cookout. (Or the one after that—the ice cream’s made to order, so it may take a few days to arrive.) You’ve got a pig roasting. Some moonshine. But you’ve been having a little trouble with the ice cream pairings. (It’s a very civilized cookout.)

Solution: stock up on Porc Phat (ibérico lardo, Asian pears, hazelnuts and mint), Moonshine + Caramel Corn, Goat Cheese + Currant, and on and on. Yes, we’re still talking about ice cream flavors.

They’ll be constantly changing, and lots of them involve absinthe, mezcal, whiskey and beer, sometimes between cookies—but for now you can try a bunch of six-pint sampler packs.

Lick responsibly.

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