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Your July 4 BBQ Bill of Rights

The Constitution speaks loudly on a number of issues: speech, press and the ever-important quartering of soldiers. It’s surprisingly silent, however, on your inalienable rights as a grilling American. So with the Fourth approaching, we’ve drafted some amendments to put into action. Call it your Grilling Bill of Rights. The French would never think of this.

The Freedom to Assemble

The Freedom to Assemble

You can pick up this feast for eight at Society Fair, or have one of their chefs come over and prep it for you. In addition to sides and a whole cake, they’ll show up with Cajun sausage, ribs and smoked pork shoulder. As the Federalist Papers warned, factions can form over such things.

Summer BBQ Bash from Society Fair, $175 (setup $500), order 48 hours ahead, 277 S Washington St, Alexandria, VA, 703-683-3247, see the menu

The Right to Quarter Swine

The Right to Quarter Swine

Sometimes it isn’t clear when 50 people are going to fill up your backyard. And sometimes it is. For the latter, let this Arlington outfit smoke a whole pig for you overnight, then drop it on your picnic table the next morning. For the former: whole-pig leftovers in your freezer.

The Power to Smoke Oil

The Power to Smoke Oil

At some point in coming days, you might encounter a food that’s neither smoky nor spicy. Finding this wholly unacceptable, you’ll do what any self-respecting founder (well, Jefferson anyway) would have done: drizzle it in smoked olive oil or oil infused with fiery Merken chilies. Not to be used as tanning oil.

Unreasonable Seizures of Meat

Unreasonable Seizures of Meat

When you really can’t make up your mind, there’s this, the Swiss Army knife of BBQ packs: a rack of spice-rubbed baby back ribs, a pound of brisket, five all-pork hot dogs, four fresh sausages and a pint of housemade Coca-Cola BBQ sauce. It beats Pepsi BBQ sauce in national taste tests.

Cool and Unusual Meats

Cool and Unusual Meats

At the core of America are innovation and a little of that frontier spirit. Especially when it comes to sausage. The legendary sausage maker at Stachowski Market will let you create a custom run of sausages. Yup, your dreams of espresso-laced duck sausage can finally be a reality.

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