Zillij Sky Lounge

New Wave

A Midair Moroccan Pool Lounge

None 3 Photos Zillij Sky Lounge
Today, some magic.

On the count of three, we’re going to miraculously move a piece of South Beach into the middle of western Miami.




Jumbotron rooftop pools.

Presenting Zillij Sky Lounge, your new open midair spot for hookah smoking and freestyle swimming, now open in Doral.

Right off, you should know that the guy running this place has serious pool-party credentials (he’s a Clevelander vet). So go ahead and think of this as the Cleve’s younger, prettier, more Arabian Nights–esque cousin.

You’ll enter through the EuroSuites lobby with a date in tow and take the elevator to the third floor. Stepping out onto the rooftop patio, you’ll suddenly find yourself in an area reminiscent of a North African bazaar (less dust, more floaty foam noodles). Moroccan copper lamps hang from an indoor cove. Brocade cushions are scattered everywhere. And in the middle of the place: a pool with a pair of jumbotrons hoisted over either end.

Yes, jumbotrons.

Early evening, you’ll come here to watch Heat playoff games. But by 10pm, you’ll want to secure one of the teal-colored banquettes in the lounge and summon some House Guarapita (fresh fruit juices, Colombian rum), mini prosciutto sandwiches and mojito-flavored shisha for a smoke on the hookah.

Muddle before toking.

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