
The Vegas Radar

Inflatable Boxing, 24-Hour Absinthe and Soul-Searching

Round-the-Clock Absinthe at Central

Round-the-Clock Absinthe at Central

You come to this huge gold room for 24-hour eggs Benedict and coffee to keep you fixed in the realm of reality when all else fails. Now, you’ll come for a prix fixe meal of absinthe cocktails, pan-seared salmon and chocolate at 6am. A diverse breakfast always helps with disorientation.

French DJs on a Balcony over the Strip

French DJs on a Balcony over the Strip

Sadly, you won’t be making it to Cannes this year (World Series of Bingo). To fill the Riviera-sized void in your heart, on Thursdays starting tomorrow, follow the sounds of house music to this brasserie overlooking the Strip. Inside: French DJs, sangria and sauce-heavy finger foods. Your linen suit is trembling.

A Pop-Up Water Park with Boxing

A Pop-Up Water Park with Boxing

Revitalizing Vegas’s boxing reputation: not high on your summer to-do list. Besides, sparring in an inflatable ring against the girl who just rode you like a bobsled down 30 feet of Slip ’N Slide just seems more appealing. You’ll do so from a new, undisclosed locale—starting with the Rumor—each weekend, so be on your toes.

A Japanese Restaurant Gets Remade

A Japanese Restaurant Gets Remade

When a Japanese restaurant reopens as a snazzier-looking Japanese restaurant, we’re duty-bound to inform you. What was once Okada is reopening as Mizumi. Same verdant garden views. Only now the walls are spray-painted gold and covered in Japanese mood masks. So yes, major ambiance upgrades.

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