
Paw Circulation

Borrowing Someone’s Dog for the Week

None Soon, it’ll be Memorial Day.

And as it always has, we expect it’ll involve a pool, margaritas and comingling with the fairer sex over flank steaks.

So you may want to have some conversation starters at the ready.

Or even better, a puppy on loan.

Enter Dog Vacay, a new service that connects out-of-town dog owners with willing/wingman-vacant dog sitters, available starting May 18.

Basically, you’re going to treat this like a giant bullpen full of baby Saint Bernards. A stable stocked with puppies that you’ll call on for support anytime you have a big beach date coming up. Or anytime there’s a Pilates class meeting in the park by your house.

To start, you’ll go to the site, create a profile, list your dog-watching qualifications (huge backyard/Cesar Millan’s second cousin), and when a local pup owner has to leave town, they’ll drop the little guy off. Oh, and they’ll pay you.

But you won’t be doing this for the money. No, you’ll be doing it for the companionship. And the sense of responsibility. And because you’ve seen the effect a floppy-eared pooch has on passing Key Biscayne joggers.

All you need to make sure you do: feed/play/care and email a photo update of the dog once a day to the owner.


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