
Local Plunder

What to Pack for Coachella

The desert weather. The amazing music. The neon spandex unitards. Yes, Coachella is upon us again. Here’s what to pick up on your way out of town so you can stand out... the right way.

A Shield from the Sun

A Shield from the Sun

First, let’s talk about your head. This blue pork pie hat is sturdy enough to shield the sun, light enough to let some air in and just blue enough to... not look like every single other hat within a three-mile radius.

A Solid Shirt from Riviera Club

A Solid Shirt from Riviera Club

And as for what shirt to wear, the new casually striped numbers from the LA-based line Riviera Club are sharp enough for the VIP area, but casual enough to just throw into your bag... and then just throw on. Nobody irons at Coachella.

Some Color Down Below

Some Color Down Below

Pants-wise, these yellow Band of Outsiders chinos strike the right balance between “Hey, I’m at Coachella and I’m going with it” and “Hey, there’s no reason not to keep things civilized here.”

A Comfy Blanket to Lie On

A Comfy Blanket to Lie On

At some point during the weekend (or weekends), you’re going to want to just throw down a blanket and relax for a while. This big saddle blanket at Opening Ceremony is stripe-y enough to be spotted by your friends from afar. And big enough for your groupies.

A Frisbee to Pass the Time

A Frisbee to Pass the Time

This just in: sometimes rock bands don’t take the stage on time. When this happens, find an open patch of grass and pull out this new red frisbee made by Standard Goods. Just be careful. Indie-emo types are kinda fragile.

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