Things to do for April 05, 2012

The Weekender

Charlie’s Angels Dancers, Outdoor Parties and a Pig Pull

The week considers; the weekend ventures.

Predinner Concert-ing on the Westside

Predinner Concert-ing on the Westside

In outdoor-music-series-launching news: White Provision on the Westside is putting on concerts every week in the plaza starting tonight. Show up around sunset, grab a quick martini at JCT. and then pull up some adirondacks. Or stand and sway to the indie-folk.

A Nightclub Turned Gym... Sort Of

A Nightclub Turned Gym... Sort Of

Charlie’s Angels Dance Squad. Good, and now that we’ve got your undivided attention: tonight, you’ll head to Havana Club for some light hors d’oeuvres, cocktailing with personal trainer types and a Charlie’s Angels aerobic team show (’70s or remake-style, undetermined). Also, a fitness-model fashion show. Right, so basically just a regular fashion show.

A Brookhaven Patio Party Cometh

A Brookhaven Patio Party Cometh

You should celebrate... your long johns and toboggans are officially back in storage. Related: tomorrow night, Haven’s chef will be on the terrace grilling things like Spotted Trotter sausages and quail. Oh, and they’re pairing it with wine, beer and a string-savvy band for good measure. So yeah, congrats on that.

Apr 6, 6-9pm, $20, Patio Party at Haven, 1441 Dresden Dr NE, Ste 100, 404-969-0700

Imbibing Like an English Professor

Imbibing Like an English Professor

You can appreciate a scholarly bartender. Take the overzealous lad at Woodfire Grill, for example. His word obsession resulted in a frenzy of English-lit-themed libations, like Jack London’s Mexican Boxer (tequila, mole bitters and Mexican Coke...) and Hemingway’s Peruvian Revision with pisco and blood orange. Ernest would be touched.

For Your Convenience: Baseball and Pork

For Your Convenience: Baseball and Pork

Braves game option #1: Go to New York... Option #2: Watch it at D.B.A. Barbecue’s limitless-consumption pig pull—think pork nachos doused in peach BBQ sauce, a whole hog on the buffet table and plenty of SweetWater out on the patio. We trust you’ll make the right decision.

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