
Battery Park

Bars That’ll Bring Your Phone Back to Life

None Immortality is a fickle mistress.

Explorers have searched for it, philosophers have studied it, and Indiana Jones had one last crusade about it.

Well, today, we bring you immortality.

Check that: we bring your phone immortality.

Baby steps...

Introducing goCharge Finder, a New York–only iPhone app that’ll guide you to conveniently placed high-speed charging kiosks spread across the city (oh, and by the way, they’re all located inside bars), available now.

Think of these souped-up electrical sockets like gas stations for your phone. And the application like a satellite-powered tracking device for finding these stations (and scotch. There’s always scotch involved).

So the next time you’re almost on E (or that last little bar thingy of battery power), you’ll use your phone’s dying breath to open up the app. Enter your current location. Follow the turn-by-turn walking directions. And you’ll be taken to the nearest bar for a charge. And a beer.

Each of the stations has 16 different built-in phone connectors. Also, military-grade charging capabilities that allow it to fully fill up an empty cell battery faster than pretty much any other power source on the planet.

Thankfully, you’re a fast drinker.

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