
SEAL of Fortune

Working Out in a Navy SEAL’s Garage

None First, the bad news:

A former Navy SEAL has officially invited you into his garage to take a closer look at his sledgehammer collection.

The good news: he has no intentions of killing you.

Per se...

Meet Brad McLeod, the special ops guru behind SEAL Grinder PT, an appointment-only training program designed to test your mettle one sandbag carry and tire flip at a time, taking reservations now for individual or group sessions.

Before you even think about putting in a call to Brad (he’s a former member of SEAL Team 4) and scheduling a time to meet at his place, you’ll at least want to have an idea of what you’re dealing with here.

And it all starts when you arrive at Brad’s seemingly harmless residential home in Sandy Springs. He’ll meet you out front. Walk you up the driveway. Then (and this is when it starts to get real) he’ll open the garage door.

Behind it: three telephone poles (those are for lifting), a few massive tractor tires (those are for flipping), some sledgehammers (those are for beating the hell out of things) and a climbing wall. There are also plenty of free weights, jump ropes, sandbags and any other military-grade torture devices you can think of.

The whole thing is designed to test your mental and physical fortitude without actually having to shave your head.

Although, it couldn’t hurt.


SEAL Grinder PT

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