
Girl Scouts

Meet the Georgia Girl Guides

None Good news: you’ve already got a date lined up for this weekend.

Not that you need it or anything. It’s just that we figured you could use a little something to look forward to on this cloudy Monday afternoon.

Few things, though:

1. It’s with two girls.
2. It’s in a cave.
3. Actually, that’s probably a good start...

Meet Tiny and Pebbles, aka Amy and Christine, aka the Georgia Girl Guides—just two subterranean-dwelling ladies who want to take you into the farthest recesses of northwest Georgia’s limestone caves, taking reservations now for Wednesdays, Saturdays and beyond.

All right, so this isn’t really a date per se. It’s caving. But while we’re on the subject, it wouldn’t be a bad idea to bring one along anyway. Grab a cabin up there on Friday night. Do a little carbo/champagne loading.

Because come morning, it’ll be time to meet up with Amy and Christine at the mouth of Sitton’s Cave. Pleasantries will be exchanged. Headlamps and kneepads will be distributed. And you will make your initial descent into the underworld.

From there, it’s anything from navigating endless dark tunnels to bobbing and weaving through hypnotizing cave formations. Oh, and that change of clothes you brought along... that’s for the waist-high water you’ll be wading through.

Just think of it as a hot tub. A cold, creepy hot tub. In a cave.


Georgia Girl Guides

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