
Uncurb Your Enthusiasm

A Food Truck Pop-Up in Georgetown

None Our little food truck revolution definitely has its perks (e.g., walking out of your office to see a chili-cheese-fries emporium staring you in the face).

But it hasn’t been perfect. For instance, the lack of seating. The dearth of climate control. The absence of beer.

No longer.

Say hello to Uncurbed DC, a new series of pop-ups that give food trucks a brick-and-mortar space for a week, starting tomorrow in Georgetown.

Like your average first-come, first-served, food-truck-related event, you can use Twitter to find out where things are going down. But when you get there, you’ll find a few creature comforts that a parallel-parked van simply can’t provide.

For instance, starting tomorrow, you’ll walk into this vacant, second-floor office (it used to be a travel agency) to find tables, couches, chairs, even desks repurposed as tables for six. You’ll think, “That couch looks like a good spot to settle in with a beer and a Three-Meat Picnic Plate.” And so you will, because this maiden voyage is being catered by the inspired chefs at the BBQ Bus.

And the next one, likely in early 2012, will be totally different—another food truck and a new space, probably a vacant restaurant or retail space. But there will still be couches.

You hate those BYO couch parties.

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