
The Rejection List

What Didn’t Make the UD Cut in 2011

We do our best to get only the most exciting stories to your inbox. In the meantime, we see a lot of... other stuff. Read on for the best, by which we mean worst, of what we sifted through in 2011.

iGrow At-Home Laser for Hair Loss

iGrow At-Home Laser for Hair Loss

For those with a receding hairline, there are pills, there are outpatient procedures, and there are now... crazy-looking laser helmets you can wear in the comfort of your own home. Something tells us you won’t see Jason Statham wearing one of these.

Studio Swine’s Hair Glasses

Studio Swine’s Hair Glasses

And speaking of hair, a couple of Brits got some fashion-press buzz this year for weaving human hair into some oversized frames. Thus fulfilling a need nobody really had. Call us when somebody makes hair out of glasses.

The Tenga Flip Hole

The Tenga Flip Hole

Think of a flip phone. Now think of a flip phone that opens up so you can... have carnal relations with it. But only after you submit a bunch of rather personal measurements to a website, for a truly custom fit. Thankfully, it’s available in festive holiday colors.

The Doggie Doo Game

The Doggie Doo Game

If you’ve ever walked down an LA sidewalk, stepped in some dog feces and suddenly been inspired to create a dog-feces-centric board game, we bring terrible news: somebody beat you to it. First your shirt-plate idea and now this.



Historically, the problem with sagging your pants is keeping your pants up. (Also, it’s not a good look.) But here come the revolutionary Subs, which are basically garters for men to hold their pants up. Just not all the way up. Because that would look normal.

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