
The Melt

Your Professional S’mores Assistant

None You remember s’mores.

But unless you went to an unusually fussy camp, you probably didn’t spend hours perfecting the crisp of the marshmallow, or choosing the exact chocolate to complement this particular brand of cracker, toiling for hours to produce the perfect specimen of s’more-hood.

The good news is, we know someone who did. And she’s taking orders.

Introducing The S’mores Butler, a one-woman squad cooking up gourmet melted marshmallow in apartments, bars and undisclosed rooftops across our fair city, available now.

Her name: Sarah Warren. Her tools: a tiny butane blowtorch, Callebaut chocolate and homemade marshmallows flavored with anything from vanilla bean to bourbon—which means the whole setup’s small enough to be shoved in a bag at a moment’s notice and brought to wherever s’mores are needed. (She’s working on a Bat-Signal.)

So once you’ve found an appropriate place to throw your next marshmallow party—a Midtown rooftop stocked with hot chocolate and whiskey, for instance—give Sarah a ring and she’ll pop by with all the necessary supplies. (You know, just like your regular butler.)

One of her creations involves bacon graham crackers, chili-dusted chocolate and those bourbon marshmallows we mentioned—but there’s plenty more to work with, including caramelized banana and Grand Marnier–infused ganache. The only limit is your imagination and the whims of local law enforcement.

The ganache squad is nothing to trifle with.

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