
Skeptical Investigation

A Patch. For Hangovers.

None We’re lovers. You know that. But every now and again, something comes across our desks that just seems... suspicious. Because of the tremendous material upside to all our lives if these claims pan out, we at times put ourselves in harm’s way to investigate. Albeit skeptically.

We call it: Skeptical Investigation. (Copyright pending.)

That putting this Bytox patch on your upper arm or another “dry hairless area” will prevent the dreaded physical consequences of unchecked imbibery. A Nobel in the making if we’ve ever seen one.

Our lab technicians got their hands on a few patches. Step one: they took a look at the fine print. Then, after reading about more vitamins and nutrients than we’re going to list here (including a whopping 4,160% of your daily vitamin B12), our team set off to their favorite “experiment center” for a few spirited beverages. (You know, for science.)

Then they conducted some experiments: observations, hypotheses—that kind of thing. Let’s just say their work was thorough. Very, very thorough...

The FDA may not be ready for this thing, but our technicians are. It works. They woke up, looked around, pinched themselves and reveled in the glory that was not having a headache, body ache or any other ache. Sure, it was just one night. But let’s just say this might be your holiday party season’s secret weapon...

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