
Desert Storm

A Dune Buggy Excursion at Amargosa

You’ve got the pool floaties. Secured a backup to your backup ATM card. And mapped the shortest route from Nobu to Wet Republic to Rao’s to XS.

In short, you’re prepared for everything the desert has to offer.

Well, maybe not 500-foot sand dunes.

Presenting Amargosa Big Dune Adventure, a Vegas-area day trip where you’ll commandeer a desert racer and have your run of the massive dunes just south of Amargosa Valley, taking reservations now.

This is going to be a lot like when McQueen took Faye Dunaway for a beachside spin in his custom Meyers Manx. What that means: you’ll be channeling the original Thomas Crown.

So let’s say you’ve spent one too many hours hashing out Omaha strategy in a dimly lit corner. You need light. Air. And the kind of adrenaline rush that comes from zigzagging at high speeds across loosely packed sand. You’ll call this outfit, and they’ll arrange to have a shuttle pick you up from your hotel, drive two hours up Highway 95 and deliver you to your waiting dune buggy. After a quick lesson, you’ll be left to navigate the dunes—and attempt to scale them—on your own.

If you get hungry, there’s lunch. Thirsty, there’s water. And should you feel especially pressed for time (or just dislike shuttles), you can always request to chopper in from the south side of the Strip.

Though they probably won’t let you pilot the helicopter.


Amargosa Big Dune Adventure
via Sun Buggy Fun Rentals
Latitude: 36.5800° N, Longitude: 116.4449° W
Amargosa Valley, NV,

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