
You’ve Been Had

Hadleigh’s Goes Bricks and Mortar

None Tough game last night. Just a tough, tough game.

At times like this, there are only two ways to console yourself.

Watching the Cowboys ’92 highlight tape with Moose. Or picking up a handmade cashmere blazer.

We can help with one of those...

Meet Hadleigh’s, your new home for suits worthy of Ryan Gosling’s esteemed closet, now open in Highland Park Village.

If someone ever made a museum from Clooney’s wardrobe—and really, it’s only a matter of time—it might look like this: a tiny room where most of the Italian-style clothes are kept securely under glass. Everything is made in Italy, from the marble floors and the glass chandelier to the sweaters. (Correction: the espresso’s made in-house, and the complimentary bourbon’s from Kentucky. We’ll assume these exceptions are okay with you.)

You’ll come here with your lady friend (they have stuff for her, too) when you’re in need of a red-carpet-ready blazer, a little cashmere to keep you warm (fall’s coming, we promise) or maybe just some velvet slippers, just because.

And if you insist your blazer be custom, you should know that Brian (the guy who runs this place) will direct you to Hadleigh’s original home, an appointment-only bachelor pad of a loft, to get a fitting.

And to get another bourbon.


71 Highland Park Village
Dallas, TX, 75205

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