Atlanta Skeeball League

Skee at Last

The Atlanta Skeeball League Is Here

None Forgive us.

Once again, we have your fitness on the brain.

Which is why today, we are again introducing you to something that will punish your muscles, batter your senses and downright test the limits of your physical endurance.

Yep, skeeball...

So steady your hand, game your face and prepare to join forces with the Atlanta Skeeball League, the city’s inaugural foray into the high-stakes world of Chuck E. Cheese–related sports, registering now for mid-September’s season opener.

In case you missed it, there’s a skeeball league now. And it’s competitive. Which means, among other things, that heckling is strongly encouraged, team uniforms should be treated as works of art and forearm-specific exercises are highly recommended.

Your season begins with a two-week series of practice rounds at Park Bench in Buckhead. This is a chance for you to dust off those old skills and get to know the rest of the league (and drink beer). It’s also an opportunity for the league founders to scout out blue-chip players—they’ll be picking teams based on your initial performance.

Once the teams are picked (you can also form your own three-person squad) and the regular season is officially under way, you’ll convene on Thursday nights to compete head-to-head against a different team each week. Eight weeks later, you’ll battle for the ultimate reward (okay, it’s a trophy) in the championship match.

Good thing you started practicing when you were 10.


Atlanta Skeeball League
at Park Bench
34 Irby Ave NW
Atlanta, GA, 30305

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