
Average Joe

Washing Your Body with Coffee

None Your morning shower.

A tropical rainstorm over your head that cleanses your body of all dirt (or regret).

But sometimes, you need a little more. A little boost. A little coffee... delivered via loofah scrub.

Meet Wash with Joe, an unholy marriage of peppermint body wash and coffee, available now online.

If Irish Spring and Starbucks hooked up for a no-strings-attached one-night stand, this would be their offspring, named Joe. It comes from a couple body-scrubbing experts who had the foresight to combine peppermint oils and arabica coffee beans. (It had to happen eventually.)

Now, you’re probably wondering why anyone would do this. Well, caffeine apparently has anti-inflammatory and tightening qualities, meaning it reduces cellulite and makes your skin even more silky smooth. (And you didn’t think this was possible.) Also: it’s caffeine, so you’ll find yourself feeling more and more revitalized.

Though you should probably still drink some real coffee afterward just in case.

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